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Not only one of the best comedies of all time, but also one of the best films in history, 1982's TOOTSIE is a groundbreaking film featuring the amazing Dustin Hoffman in his finest role.

Hoffman is Michael Dorsey, a self-important actor who's rendered himself nearly unemployable after proving himself difficult to work with on stage or on screen.

His roommate Jeff (the hilarious Bill Murray) and best friend Sandy (Teri Garr) throw him a birthday party in which Michael barely knows anyone, making him realize he is nearing the end of his rope.

When Sandy fails to get the part of a middle aged hospital administrator on a soap opera, Michael decides to become Dorothy Michaels and audition himself.

Much to our good fortune, he gets the part and the hilarity begins nearly non-stop. Michael/Dorothy must deal with a Lothario older leading man John Van Horn (superb George Gaynes), a sexist director (Dabney Coleman) and his growing feelings for young lead actress Julie (Jessica Lange in a terrific, natural performance).

Director Sydney Pollack (Out of Africa, The Way We Were) pulls double duty, guiding a great film while also appearing hilariously as Michael's long suffering agent, George Fields.

Dustin Hoffman is perfect in his dual role. He brings real sensitivity and insight to the part, turning what could have been a caricature in lesser hands into a man discovering the best parts of himself while pretending to be someone else.

Charles Durning is great as Julie's dad and Geena Davis is fine in one of her earliest roles.

There are a couple great songs from Stephen Bishop, including "It Might Be You".

Mixing some fine dramatic and touching moments with some of the biggest laughs in the past 50 years, Tootsie is fantastic.

My favorite exchange between Michael and his agent (perfection between Hoffman & Pollack):

Michael: She thinks I'm gay, i told her about Julie and she thinks I'm gay!

George: Julie thinks your gay?

Michael: No, my friend Sandy.

George: Sleep with her, and she'll...

Michael: I slept with her once she's still thinks I'm gay!

George: Oh... thats no good, Michael.


It's fast, fun and fall over funny.

Hoffman is one of our finest actors and this, for me, is his finest hour.

Tootsie is a laugh-out-loud A+ comedy with a spot high in my all-time Top 100.

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